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Should you buy or build pool cleaning route?
I have built and sold pool accounts giving me experience in the building of a client base as well the the sales/finance side of the business. There are pros and cons to each method, I will go over each option.
Building a Route:
-Low up front investment
-You can ease yourself into the business, and if you don't like it you can easily move on to something else
-You can make mistakes and learn the in's and out's on a smaller scale
-By building your own route you understand the sales process for further, future growth
-Can be a side hustle while you are growing it
-Because you won't have full time income right away you will likely have to work two jobs for a period of time before your pool business can sustain you.
-No systems will be in place for you
-No name recognition
-You will have to self teach
Buying a Pool Route:
-Immediate cash flow
-Can replace a full time job if you purchase a large enough route
-Return of investment is high. If you're cleaning pools yourself you will get an 80%-90% annual ROI. 40%-50% if you are hiring out the cleaning services.
-If quality is high most accounts will stay. Customer's generally don't care who is cleaning their pool as long as it is done well.
-Old owner will generally train you in on cleaning and the route specifics
-Larger upfront investment
-You may be training on accounts you paid good money for
-You may not know what you're getting into until you start.
Bio: My name is Max Maher and I am a lifelong learner and businessman. I document myself leaning new skills, tackling challenges, and give business advice. If there is a skill or challenge you would like to see me attempt feel free to comment below or reach me on
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