The Disney Television Animation studios had its heyday back in the mid-to-late '90s after Duck Tales skyrocketed in popularity, and Aladdin and Hercules were apparently ripe with enough material to each warrant their own spin-off series. Eventually, someone at Disney clearly decided the two should meet.
The Greek Hero and Prince Ali team up in the episode "Hercules and the Arabian Night," which aired for the first time in February 1999. In this crossover, the two are tricked into fighting each other by Hades and Jafar as part of a nefarious plot to take over Olympus. Obviously, Hercules and Aladdin quickly figure out they've been set up, and turn their attention to kicking the villains' butts. All in all, it's a pretty fun episode starring two of the Disney Renaissance's biggest stars working together to save the day. Sadly, as Disney's TV animation has moved more towards independent properties, it's unlikely two Disney icons will team up like this anytime soon.
#Disney #DisneyMovies
Hercules v. Aladdin | 0:15
Big Disney 6 | 1:08
Potts and Chip | 2:06
Princesses | 2:55
Taking the Mickey | 3:56
Lilo's friends | 4:33
A royal connection | 5:12
Going Up | 5:56
Scar's fate | 6:38
Flash | 7:40
The Belle of Notre Dame | 8:52
Pizza universe | 9:56