
When to use AND, OR, NOR, BUT and YET Coordinating conjunctions

When to use AND, OR, NOR, BUT and YET Coordinating conjunctions How do commas work? When do you use a comma? Should there be a comma with a clause? How do you use coordinating conjunctions in English Grammar?

Coordinating conjunctions are words that link words, phrases or clauses of equal importance there are also special rules for using commas too. This helps to explain how things like commas work in English grammar.

Using commas with coordinating conjunctions
If coordinating conjunction joins two clauses then we need a comma
It was raining, and there was a flash flood.
There was a lot of rain, and it was cold.
If coordinating conjunction is joining two-item then there is no need to have a comma.
I'm going to wear a hat and a scarf.
She is going to climb and achieve her goals!
If "and" or "or" is joining three or more items then a comma is needed between each item and before the conjunction.
I need bread, chocolate, and milk
Would you like water, juice or coffee?
We will learn more about these in the lesson...

"And" to join two sentences together to avoid repeating yourself and to avoid repeating words.
There is a shop. There is a train station.
There is a shop and a train station.
We don't need to mention "there is" as it is implied in the structure of the sentences and by using "and".
Jessica's sister lives and works in Berlin.
My father and sister are both in finance.
I feel tired and exhausted.
My brother and his wife are traveling to Spain.

Using a comma instead of "and" when making lists and it can replace "and".
There is a shop. There is a train station. There is a library
There is a shop, a train station and a library.
Replace the last comma with "and", no matter how long the list is.
There is a ship, train station, library, hotel, restaurant and a nightclub.

"Or" is used when there is a choice, or alternative, of two or more things.
Do you want to go to Spain or Mexico?
Do you want to go to Gibraltar or Morocco?
Don't be early or you will be waiting.
Should you talk to her or me?
I can't decide whether to get a dog or a cat.

"Nor" is used to show that two or more things are not true or do not happen. Normally it is followed by a form of the verb and invert the verb for a question.
He can't play the piano nor the guitar.
Jessica did not talk to me nor would she text me.
My phone is not working nor is his.

"But" is used to join a positive statement with a negative one that shows contrast and a difference.
There is a train station. There isn't a restaurant.
There is a train station but there isn't a restaurant.
My son likes to eat fruit but not vegetables.
Our son is tall but he is not stupid.
I'm working on my videos but I'm not having my Chinese lessons.
"Yet" is like "but", it shows that something happens in spite of something else or when something is true even though it seems to contradict something.
It's a cold day, yet I'm not wearing a hat.
You have to go to Spain, yet now is not the time- you have to go in April/May.
Jessica lives in the city yet she has never been to the big museum.
There is a train station near my home yet I have not used it to go to Manchester.
I've asked her to be loud yet she will not listen to me.

"So" shows that something happens as a consequence of something else.
It was a lovely day, so we went to the beach
It was a cold day, so we stayed at home.
My house was very expensive, so I sold it.
The equity was very cheap, so we bought more.
I was very good with English and YouTube, so I decided to start teaching on it.
I ate before I came here, so I am not hungry now.

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