
Boris issues savage slap down to SNP's plot to break up UK - 'Sturgeon HERSELF said it!'

Boris issues savage slap down to SNP's plot to break up UK - 'Sturgeon HERSELF said it!' UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson savaged the SNP after they interrupted him during his speech on how he set out to help commuters by telling them that “even Sturgeon said it herself” when they slapped down his declaration the Scottish independence referendum was a once in a lifetime vote.

Mr Johnson rattled off a list of “ambitious” new policies an hour after the Queen’s Speech, with the Prime Minister calling his plan “a blueprint for the future of Britain”. He called his epic 10-year plan “the dawn of a new age”. Mr Johnson issued a scathing assault on Mr Corbyn, batting off his barbs while promoting laughs from the benches, before moving onto the SNP.



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