I’m certainly not a doctor but, for not a lot of money, it’s worth a try to me. I’ll do updates along the way so if you or someone you know has eye floaters share this with them and follow along while I test this idea.
While Bromeliane can be purchased as a supplement I’m not planning to try any at this time.
In general my channel is about building things and testing equipment and electronics that I have purchased for myself. I’m working on my audio quality and editing so my channel is a work in progress.
If you have any questions or comments on anything just post it in the comments and I’ll get to it as fast as I can. Keep in mind I do have a day job so it may take me a day or so to answer.
If you like to read research papers here’s a link:
#daviddoesstuff my other channel is related to RC cars and RC trucks. #rcmodsquad