
Intro: Awakening to the Divine Truth, What is going on?

Intro: Awakening to the Divine Truth, What is going on? We are now officially entering into the 3/3/3 Krystal Rainbow-Diamond Light Master Portal, & what awaits is going to exceed the perceptions/beliefs/expectations of EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US.

This is a monumental moment in our collective existence; This is the Rainbow Bridge that will be bringing all Light, ALL LIFE, Back Home fully restored to the highest divinity & unified with our true Divine Primordial family; The Divine Father & The Divine Mother; The Divine Son & the Divine Daughter; the I AM That I AM that WE ALL ARE.

Tonight, as the Full Moon Reaches its peak at 12:12, we usher in & celebrate the return of our Divine Mother & the TRUE Divine Moon. Our family... remember that all comes from the true 1st source creation, & that many of these sacred teachings/technology have been withheld for a very specific reason; by distorting the Divine order/mechanics of what is True, those of our family who oppose the Highest Timeline of the Divine Plan have been able to severely mislead even those of us within the Light-working communities who have pure heart centered intentions. As the Powerful Divine Immortal Infinitely Wise Unconditionally Loving Sovereign Being that you are, it Is your RIGHT to KNOW and INNERSTAND all that is occurring so you can make the decision for yourself whether you would like to feed the Fallen Agendas, or work for the Highest Timeline of All Family Returning Home Fully Unified & Restored, Thriving in Divine Harmony. Know that this decision can only be made by you, & regardless of where you align at this time, WE are here for you.

So much is going to be made known as we move forward. Many of you who are finding these videos have began a profound awakening & are preparing through training/initiations to step into extraordinary roles to assist in this Ascension Process. True Organic Ascension is here for every single individual that chooses to simply want this for themselves. Open yourself to the doors of Divine Truth; allow the deep inner-yessssing to come through your heart & embrace the 100% knowing of all that is occurring.

This video was simply a practice test... however we received guidance that this needed to be posted before the 12/12/12 gateway. Remember, its not always about WHO SEES/HEARS About your work... it only matters that the work is actually being done! We promise you beloved that every decision you make to grow and heal yourself effects and helps all life EVERYWHERE! Simply by uploading our truth into the "web" anchors these understandings that much more powerfully within and throughout the Morphogenetic Fields, allowing all of our family to receive these messages & be able to integrate/actualize them with ease!

Our friends & family, the collective work that each & every one of you have done is being made known to a degree never seen before; know that in time ALL will be made known; and guess what... THIS IS THAT TIME! So preparee!!! Release all judgements & fears; Love yourself unconditionally & allow yourself to express your TRUE-self ALWAYS in ALL WAYS! This is happening FOR EVERYONE!! We Promise that each and every one of you deserve this!

So much will be shared in the coming weeks, but this is just an introduction into some of the video topics we will be sharing. We have also been guided to create 4 different mini series that are meant for people at various stages in this progress. So although we are "offline" to the world much of the time right now, we will still be present to assist and share at all times possible especially with the bigger updates. We know all of you are exactly where you need to be at this time & that through these downloads/updates you will be able to empower yourself in the most extraordinary of ways!

Thank you for holding space for our awakening family across the globe as we all stand together in Unity & Express the True Divinity of which we all are & have always been!

Through The True Blue Flame of Azoth,
Through the True Violet Ray of Unconditional Love,
Through The Golden Ray of Divine Light,
and through the Rainbow-Diamond Ray of ALL RAYS OF CREATION UNIFIED, We Activate you now through Divine Love in ALL ways!

WE ARE The RA Confederacy and the Law Of One Fully Restored.

WE ARE The True Guardian Alliance standing for the highest good of ALL Life in ALL Kingdoms.

WE ARE THE GROUND CREW Here to assist all of our family during this time of Remembrance and Awakening, as WE ARE The Holders of the Rainbow Ray, here to assist in the Resurrection & Restoration of All Light & All Life.

WE ARE THE RAINBOW BRIDGE. WE ARE you, & you ARE US. We are individual but we are never separate. Its time To remember Beloved; all truth is held within! Release release release; forgive forgive forgive; love love love; ALLOW your true self to unfold from within.

So much is prepared for each & everyone of you. Open yourself to receive! Get Ready For The Experience of All-Lifetimes!

Sending Unconditional Divine Love to you always,

Ah Za Ra El

Melchizedek Order,Rainbow Bridge,Azrael,Azrael Melchizedek,Order of the Rainbow Peacock,Rainbow Peacock,Diamond Light Ray,Rainbow Ray,Rainbow Diamond Ray,False Moon,True Divine Mother,Sacred Union,Archangels,False Flower Of Life,Organic Ascension,

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