
Juicing VS Blending - Which Is Better? ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿน

Juicing VS Blending - Which Is Better? ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿน Welcome To Today's Video - Juicing VS Blending - Which Is Better?

It is a VERY common misconception that blending and juicing are the same. They are not.

To Juice or to Blend? – What’s the Difference?

Blenders and juicers are very different items, with two quite different purposes.

Yes, they both process tasty fruit or veggies into a delicious, nutritious drink but the way in which they do it, and the end result is not the same at all.

A juicer separates the fibre from the rest of the fruit or vegetables.

This leaves only the juice for you to drink. The remaining fibre pulp is discarded.

This means that you can pack more fruit or veggies in per cup and you get all your vitamins and nutrients in the most easily digestible form.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The Best Juicer Under $100 -

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#JuicingVsBlending #Juicing #Blending

Inspired By:

Jason Vale


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