

RESTITUTION IN THE AREA OF DEBT F) Restitution in the area of debt: Restitution in the area of debt is very important. There are so many born again believers who live beyond their means. This is usually due to the fact that they are covetous. Covetousness is an abomination to the Lord and all those who are covetous shall end up in the Everlasting fire unless they repent and forsake their covetousness as we shall see under the twenty-fifth Strategic Component of Outer Holiness entitled Uncovetous. The Word of God clearly teaches that the born again believer must live a debt free life. Examples of Bible passages in that respect are below. -“And hath not oppressed any” (Ezekiel 18:7a). This implies that if you are a debtor, you must make full Restitution by paying ALL your debts. Don’t oppress your creditor in any way. Pay all your debts and live a debt free life henceforth in the Mighty Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. -“The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). The phrase “the borrower is servant to the lender” implies that EVERY debtor is a spiritual slave to the creditor. Spiritually speaking, if you owe someone s/he has a power over you (to torment you in any way, for example, by charging very high interest and/or increasing the interest rate because you have failed in one way or another to comply with the terms of the loan) until you pay your debt in full. In like manner, if you are owing satan (for instance, because you have been a member of a cult and are still in possession of some of the things you were given in the said cult), he will continue to torment you until you pay your debt by destroying everything that belongs to him (Acts 19:19). You shall only be free after having destroyed everything that you are still in possession of that belongs to him (satan). When occultists, satanists, witches, and wizards believed the Gospel in the book of Acts, they brought all their mystical materials (from the kingdom of darkness that they were in possession of) “and burned them before all men” (Acts 19:19). As such they were no longer a debtor to the devil (their former father) in any way. In a nutshell, a debtor can only free him/herself from the aforesaid slavery by Restitution, that is, by paying his/her debt in full. If s/he does not make full Restitution, s/he would continue to remain under the spiritual bondage or captivity of the debt. -“Render therefore to all their dues” (Romans 13:7a). This implies that you should pay all your dues or debts. -“Owe no man anything” (Romans 13:8a). This implies that you should live a debt free life. It couldn’t be clearer. -“The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth” (Psalms 37:21). This is self-explanatory. All those who don’t pay their debts are wicked. They are wicked because they refuse to give to the rightful owner(s) what rightly belongs to him/her/them. The Holy Bible makes it clear that the wrath of God shall consume the wicked including, of course, all those who refuse to pay their debts (Psalm 11:6). This is because “God is angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:11) and thus, “upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup” (Psalm 11:6). What a calamity to befall the wicked! The Holy Bible makes it clear that “Salvation is far from the wicked” (Psalm 119:155). In other words, the wicked shall not make it to Heaven. What a catastrophe! The good news is that the wicked still has a golden opportunity to repent and forsake his/her wickedness now before it’s too late for him or her. In this case, s/he still has the opportunity to make full Restitution by paying all his/her debts. If s/he does so, deliverance and freedom would be his/her portion. In this respect, if you are a debtor, begin to cry to God for mercy to give you the Grace to make full Restitution by paying your debts before it is too late for you in the Mighty Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Conclusively, Restitution in the area of debt leads to Holiness because all those who pay their debts, deliver and free themselves from the uncleanness, wickedness, bondage, and slavery of debt and as a result they become Clean and Pure and thus, Holy. It is clear from the aforementioned explanation that the Doctrine of Restitution is a very important Doctrine. Restitution is indispensable in the life of every born again believer. In a nutshell, it’s of paramount importance and thus, cannot be dispensed with. This is because when you make full Restitution, you are Cleansed and Purified from the evil of uncorrectable past sins that were holding you in captivity or bondage even after you were born again. When you are born again, such evil does not go away or disappear.

Theodore A, Nkemzi . Understanding The Doctrines of Strategic Holiness Volume 1: The Doctrine of Strategic Components of Holiness . Outskirts Press, Inc.. Kindle Edition.


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