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This Ancient Calendar Will Reveal About Your Destiny. Your Sign and The Clues Will Predict Your Future.
Your Cosmic Destiny Chart is personally customized for you based on numerous, complex calculations from your Day Sign and Tone combination that resulted from the cosmic energies on the day of your birth. Less than 4/10ths of one percent of the human population share YOUR Destiny Chart - that's how special to you it is.
#scorpiolove #astrology #astrologysigns
Scorpio love compatibility
Scorpio compatibility. what you need to
Scorpios have independent
personalities. so they're often happy to
live by themselves without much social
interaction at the same time they are
intensely loyal and passionate. most
Scorpios need to feel in control of
their relationships. and they may
manipulate their partners to feel that
control above all else they're
contradictory. so they need partners who
can tolerate moodiness and obsessions.
Scorpios are usually most compatible
with other water signs. that means they
should get along well with Pisces
.cancers and other Scorpios. Pisces often
have rewarding relationships with
Scorpios because they both enjoy extreme
emotions and are prone to Romanticism.
Scorpios benefit because they get to
feel in control and protective. this
arrangement usually appeals to Pisces.
cancers are good for Scorpios because
they have nurturing instincts that can
help keep Scorpios in check while
Scorpios act like they have everything
under control. they often feel lost and
uncertain. forming a relationship with a
cancer can help curb these negative
feelings. two Scorpios may form a
passionate bond that helps them achieve
their mutual goals balancing this type
of relationship. however is often
difficult since both people may want to
take control. when similarities fit each
other the relationship can flourish. when
they do not the relationship can flame
out dramatically. the earth signs
Capricorn Virgo and tourists are
sometimes compatible with Scorpio. the
compatibility mostly comes from the
earth science ability to stabilize
Scorpios. they tend to provide a solid
foundation that lets Scorpio lead a rich
interior life. while learning how to take
care of someone's mundane necessities.
earth signs and Scorpios have to put an
effort to work together but the pairings
can lead to very successful