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Bright summer flowers are in full bloom, grasses and weeds are going to seed, bees and insects are hard at work...and millions of people around the country are battling runny noses, sneezing fits, and itchy eyes.
For people with severe pollen allergies, hayfever can cause breathing difficulties and aggravate asthma. Medical science has no cure, only a plethora of anti-allergen pills, nasal sprays and decongestants for temporary relief. However, as in Shetty’s case, anecdotal evidence from nutritionists suggests our day-to-day diet can ease the symptoms and fortify us against seasonal allergies.
Aeroallergens play a major role in the pathogenesis of respiratory allergic diseases, particularly asthma and rhinitis. Pollen, fungi, animal danders, house
dust mites, domestic pets, and insects are of particular importance as triggering factors. Pollen are well studied as allergens among all other aeroallergens and are important source of pollinosis. Respiratory allergy are prevalent among all populations all over the world. One can really think the gravity of the situation by looking at the epidemiological data available across the globe (1-6). Epidemiological studies carried out in different
countries report the prevalance of respiratory allergy from 15% to 30%. A survey conducted in Finland shows a prevalance of around 14% allergic rhinitis and 2.5% asthma. In Australia 27% of children are reported to have wheeze. Asthma is prevalent in
about 9% Greek population. Recent surveys carried out in India revealed 20 to 30% of the
population suffer from allergic rhinitis and 15% develop asthma. An epidemological study carried out 30 years ago (1964) in Delhi had reported only 10% population having allergic rhinitis and 1% asthma. Thus it is well established that the incidence of allergy is ncreasing all around the world.Knowledge about allergens has progressed rapidly
during the last few decades with better understanding of molecular mechanism of allergy.
Structure and function of allergens have been identified. The knowledge of qualitative and
quantitative prevalance and their seasonal and annual variataions is of paramount importance in effective diagnosis and management of pollen related allergens.