
10 Terrifying Animals Created By Humans

10 Terrifying Animals Created By Humans 10 Animals Created by Humans

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Mankind is a unique species in many that definitely CV sets us apart is that we are definitely the only species bold enough to try and create another species in a laboratory and today we are going to look at 10 ….
Let's begin...

10. Dolly the Sheep
Probably one of the better known entries on our list, Dolly gain international attention in 1997 When she was revealed to the world, on February 22 it was announced that she had been cloned from the cell of an adult sheep marking the first time that such a feat had been accomplished. Dolly immediately became a media sensation, appearing on Scottish television shows, time magazine did a feature on her, and the magazine Science called her the "breakthrough of the year". Despite being awash in celebrity status, Dolly lived her days at Roslin Institute in Midlothian, Scotland. In April of 1998 Dolly had her first baby, a lamb named Bonnie, the following year she would give birth again, this time to twins named Sally and Rosie. In 2000, she gave birth again, this time to triplets named Lucy, Darcy, and Cotton. Unfortunately in 2001, at the age of 4, Dolly developed severe arthritis and began moving stifly, she was treated with anti-inflammatory drugs but eventually developed lung disease that progressed into full blown lung cancer, and in 2003 she was euthanized.
Given that Dolly was developed by humans and not conceived by regular means, many people questioned whether her advanced genetic age, around 6 in 1998 may have contributed to her relatively young death. Despite the speculation, those working closely on the project retain that Dolly's health was comparable to other sheep in her flock and that arthritis and the specific variant of lung disease that she acquired were very common in sheep and unrelated to her genetic makeup.

9. Glow in the dark mice

Gene therapy has long been the focus of complex research and studies, the challenge for those working in the field is how to introduce modified genes into DNA, for permanent changes, or into RNA for temporary changes, and get those modified cells to work among naturally occurring ones for a chosen period of time. If this technique could be mastered then it would allow for unprecedented advancement in the treatment of cancer and the development of new vaccination technology. In order to accomplish this, and make studies less invasive for subjects, scientists at Stanford University came up with a bright idea. Simply put, the cells of all living creatures are built out of proteins, in order to figure out how to add modified proteins to RNA, the researchers isolated a glowing jellyfish protein responsible for the species infamous bioluminescent abilities, their plan was to add the protein to the RNA of a mouse. And in the early days of 2017 they succeeded, after a complex procedure, the team had created healthy well functioning, glow in the dark mice, that lived to their life expectancy and even reproduced.

8. Silk spinning goats
First there was Spider-Man, then there was Spider pig, but Spider goat?? That’s right researchers from the University of Wyoming found a way to edit the DNA of a goat with that of a spider and you guessed it, created a web spinning goat! It’s pretty cool and all but why in the world would anyone need a a web spinning goat? As it turns out there are multiple uses for spider’s silk in medicine including, artificial ligaments, tendons, eye sutures, and jaw repair, what’s more, there is also potential for using spider’s silk in bulletproof vests and airbags. Unfortunately as you might imagine an individual spider would take a very long time to create enough silk for commercial applications, this means that the medical applications that require it are still very expensive and the prospect of expanding its uses is a daunting one. Since the agricultural revolution, the answer to this question has typically been farming, however, experiments in spider farming have proven very difficult if not unsustainable. But thanks to silk spinning goats, large quantities of silk can be harvested from the goat’s milk meaning that the product can be easily farmed and sold for a fraction of the price as spider’s silk.

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