
40 Varieties of Crown Tail Betta|Fighter Fish

40 Varieties of Crown Tail Betta|Fighter Fish Contact no of Mr. Pau: +628127390603 (Watsapp)

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Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are very common with beginner aquarists. They are small and colourful fish with striking personalities. They have been crossbred over years creating the most amazing colourations and tail variations. They do not require a lot of maintenance and their physiology and behaviour is quite captivating and amazing. The Crowntail Betta is one of the most popular freshwater fish. This species is relatively young, first bred by Ahmad Yusuf in Indonesia around 25 years ago. Over the year many Betta fish varieties have been developed and crowntail varieties are one among them. In this video, you people are going to see more than 40 types of crowntail betta fish and you people will be astonished to know that these varieties are developed by a friend of mine from Indonesia. If you want to know the prices and the contact details for procuring this fishes from Indonesia, then watch the full video all the information will be given at the end of this video.
The varieties which you have seen were developed by Mr. Pau and one can import it directly from Indonesia. In India, importing these fishes from Indonesia is no easy task as there is a lack of transporters from Indonesia to India. His contact details will be given in the description However, Indians can order it online at for some of the varieties.. As the video already a long, I 'll conclude it here. However, I will make another video on how these varieties were developed. For information, the prices of the fishes start from 30 US Dollars and may go up to 300 US dollars or even more depending on the uniqueness of the fish.

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