
The Arrogance of Ignorance | The Flat Earth Story

The Arrogance of Ignorance | The Flat Earth Story For our final stream of the holiday season we are ending up with 'The Arrogance of Ignorance' which is my playlist for debunks of major FE t-shirt sellers. Thanks for putting up with the technical difficulties! Happy New Year everyone!

Remember to take this opportunity to subscribe to the channel- Santa was kind and gave me some new equipment that will make the channel better in 2020!!!

Happy Holidays to you and your families!
Bob the Science Guy

Bob's Websites Check them OUT:

My Playlist:

Playing Chess with Pigeons (Individual flat earth debunks)

North Woods Scientist (Interesting Science Videos)

Let’s Talk About Things with Dr. Bob (Patient Education)

Flat Earth Clueless (Mark Sargent Flat Earth Clues)

Eric Dubay Zealot or Conman? (Review of Eric Dubay’s Videos)

Flat Earth Engineer (Balls Out Physics/Brimc-scqan Mullin)

Flat Earth Can’t Science (the Series that Started it All)

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