
A dog will not stop worrying or chasing livestock, simply because it is on a lead. TRAIN 4 REALITY!

A dog will not stop worrying or chasing livestock, simply because it is on a lead. TRAIN 4 REALITY! Imported Greek ‘rescue’ - ex-hunting dog. Diligent owner has put months of work into training and controlling this dog.
Watch until the end.
“Keep it on a lead” is simply insufficient, & refusing to allow a dog to experience discomfort as a consequence is ignorant & dangerous.

Jamie penrith of take the lead dog training.
How do I train a dog? Through a healthy balance of motivation, based on reward training; consistent repetition of consequences; establishing boundaries and discipline early on; understanding what makes each dog tick and so developing a healthy relationship between my dogs and myself. The same consistent method - namely fair, situational training, with a committed undertone of enhancing welfare and establishing freedom through control. This might involve clicker; verbal marker training; whistle trained commands; slip lead or leash pressure; physical pressure; verbal and spatial pressure and e-collar pressure and a TON of admiration and respect for being the amazing animal that is the dog!
If you would like to build your relationship with your dog or young puppy; if you would like to learn more about how to train your dog to perform reliably and how to use a variety of different training tools to get the very best out of your relationship with your dogs; contact Jamie Penrith either through his website or email him directly at:
Jamie Penrith at Take the Lead Dog Training offers professional, private 1-2-1 dog training and behaviour modification services throughout the U.K. and beyond.


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