
Change of Mind | Nine's Word Pleiadian Message

Change of Mind | Nine's Word Pleiadian Message Weekly message from the League of Light for February 20, 2020

Summary: The theme of change takes on added dimension now, and you’re being asked to move. Relax, it’s you who’s asking yourself. Rise, step out of a customary frame of mind or state of affairs, do something to rouse yourself from a dark dreamstate into a new angle of light. It’s your heart and not your head that bears the truth of this moment forward. Celebrate the revelation of like minds recognizing common ground. Ready or not, paradigm shift is activated. It will take some getting used to, but all in all, it’s a change for the better.

Twice a week, the Pleiadians of the League of Light share a message of insight, illustrated with archetypal images from the decks of Maryann's tarot deck, with a rich weekly contemplation from the pages of the book "Opalescence". The messages are equally meaningful, full of depth and wisdom, on their own. Tune in on Thursdays for a new transmission, and Mondays for an update, for keeping on the path.

Visit Nine's Path for much, much more from the Pleiadians of the League of Light. There's always something new to explore, new experiences to give yourself on Nine's Path

Weekly contemplations are taken from the book "Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity". Get your copy, and expand into the full force of Pleiadian philosophy, spiritual insight, wisdom and wit. It's an experience that can change your life by changing how you see reality.

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Weekly,Pleiadian,channeling,Taygetan Pleiadians,tarot,spiritual guidance,guidance,

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