
Does Trump's 'deal of the century' make Middle East peace impossible? | The Bottom Line

Does Trump's 'deal of the century' make Middle East peace impossible? | The Bottom Line Standing beside a grateful Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump unveiled his Middle East plan, which is referred to as the "Deal of the Century", on January 28.
The plan promises a better life for the Palestinians if they give up their hopes for freedom.
The Palestinians were not involved in the making of the 80-page brochure and were not invited to the launch party.
So, what are the prospects for Trump's "ultimate deal" for the Middle East?

Join Steve Clemons and his panel in a discussion of the timing and content of the plan.


- Noura Erakat - Human rights lawyer, co-founder of Jadaliyya, assistant professor of Africana Studies at Rutgers University

- Dan Arbell - Former Israeli diplomat and negotiator, scholar at Center for Israeli Studies at American University

- Shibley Telhami - Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland

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