
Five Often Overlooked Medical Contract Clauses

Five Often Overlooked Medical Contract Clauses Presented by Eric C. Boughman, Esq.

From The First 30 Minutes Medical & Health Law Series:
Five Often Overlooked Medical Contract Clauses

Medical professionals and other non-attorneys often assume “boilerplate” contact terms are set in stone, non-negotiable, and unimportant. This is a mistake. In this seminar, we discuss the importance of understanding and negotiating these often overlooked terms and conditions that appear in almost every healthcare-related contract. Attendees will learn what is often discussed in the first 30 minutes of a consultation regarding contract general terms and conditions.

Medical Contract,Physician Employment Agreements,Group Practices,Health Law,Overlooked Contract Clauses,Medical Agreements,First 30 Minutes,Eric Boughman,ForsterBoughman,Legal Advice,Medical Law,Doctors,Medical Professionals,

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