
France: 'Broken-hearted' health workers protest on St. Valentine's day

France: 'Broken-hearted' health workers protest on St. Valentine's day Subscribe to our channel!

Hundreds of hospital worker marched through the streets of Paris on Friday to protest over poor working conditions and a lack of funding for public hospitals.

Protesters adopted the "broken heart" as a symbol for the protest declaring their "love" for the public health system on St. Valentine's day.

"We declare our love for the hospital, our desire to continue working in the public service, we don't want privatisations," Christelle a nurse in the emergency department in Isere said.

Mireille Stivala the general secretary of federation CGT Social Action said "What we need is the increase in the salaries of professionals who are poorly paid, additional staff in hospitals, because there are not enough of us to carry out our missions."

She added, "Then we want to stop the closure of places and beds to be able to accommodate the entire population in good conditions, and of course within the framework of the social security financing bill, we call on the minister to increase the 'National Objective of Health Insurance Expenses (ONDAM) so that we can have the means to work."

The protest is part of ongoing strikes against French President Emmanuel Macron and his government's pension reform plan.

Video ID: 20200214-064

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