
Gaia Update: Pisces New Moon - February 23, 2020 - Going Back to Move Forward

Gaia Update: Pisces New Moon - February 23, 2020 - Going Back to Move Forward On February 20th, the Sun moves into the sign of Pisces, heading into this New Moon at 4 degrees on February 23rd. It's interesting timing with Mercury in retrograde in Pisces starting on February 17th.

I hope you can join me for a Live Activation for this Pisces New Moon, Saturday, February 22nd, 8pm MST. $10. Sign up here:

Mars is in Capricorn and in square to Black Moon Lilith and Chiron for this Full Moon. Mars is getting impatient with the shadows, hidden deep within, that are keeping us from moving forward. In conjunction with the South Node and in opposition to the North Node of the Moon, Mars is feeling frustrated, ready to get busy, and move forward on manifesting the NEW.

Mercury in retrograde and in trine to the North Node, says, 'no, not yet, we are not quite sure where we are going and what we are doing!' This New Moon is in a semi-sextile relationship with Chiron in exact conjunction to Black Moon Lilith in Aries. This is speaking to the deep dark messes of the past that need to be cleaned up, before we can move into our next chapter. This New Moon in Pisces is all about going back, in order to move forward.

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