
I'm flat chested... i wish i have breasts

I'm flat chested... i wish i have breasts I am Leah, I am fifteen and can I ask you something? Are you in High School? Or at least if you not do you remember how it used to be? Probably great if you play football, basketball or were a pretty girl. But for the rest of us most of the people, Its the worst of times. Everybody is mean and just wants to make you feel bad for no reason.
There only two ways to survive in high school and remain sane stand out for something good or be so insignificant that nobody notices you. Of course everybody wants the first option. What about me? Well I would do anything to have one of those. Cause I stand out in a bad way.
My problem is I have no chest. I know, its sounds ridiculous, but its a big problem, or well i guess you could say are really tiny one but every other girl in my class has at least something that kinda looks like boobs. And I am not exaggerating when I say that I have no chest. Like literally none, even
brassieres stupid on me. Everybody could tell that there is nothing underneath my clothe.
The boys call me a long hair bro. I tried to do something about it and told everything to the principal. He made us take a special nobullying talk to stop it. Spoiler alert. It didnt work. Boys kept using me and just a month ago I heard that some girls teasing me too. Why do they need to do I never done or said a bad thing to them!
What I hate the most is that they are right. I am a size zero. I actually need to buy most of my clothes
in the childrens section. And I hate it. And its not like I didnt hit puberty, because I totally did. I have my period, hair down there, and acne, but No boobs. WTF? Its like God is testing me or something. I am like the only person who came with factory error. Hello Is there any
celestial refund?
I know many of you must be thinking that I should be grateful because I have a normal body and
there are people that dont even have that. Ya You are right, but it doesnt make me feel any better and
it doesnt make people stop teassing and say awful things about me. So I should just let it pass
and live like it doesnt affect me? Thats not easy to do.
I always wonder what if I never find a boyfriend? every other girl in class has someone
that at least texts them, and I really have nobody. There is no guy who wants to be with me. Nor
girl, how wouldnt mind. I am fifteen I wanna date people. I have so many hormones! But There is one guy that try makes me crazy, his name is Sean and he probably doesnt know that I exist. Ive seen
him looking at Andrea. She is sixteen and has a huge rack better than most college girls.
I tried to tell my mom and my grandma how I was feeling because they have pretty small chest sizes too. They said that I have nothing to worry about, that I would find someone who loves me with or without boobs. Which sounds great If I want a husband.But thats not what I want right now. I just wanna date and hook up and live the normal angsty teenager life. Its so unfair because i
literally have no control over my body. I read on the Internet that chicken helps so Ive basically cut
down every other protein for the last four months but i have witnessed no improvement. Now I am
sure thats a false rumour started by KFC or some other fast food franchise.
I told my parents that I want to get breast implants. They got mad and called me ungrateful, thay said this is the body the God wanted me to have. What?
So every person who gets plastic surgery is a sinner and plastic surgeons are Satans envoys. Thats stupid. Dad told me he will never gave me the money to get breast surgery and that it was forbidden at least as long as I live in his house.
This is insane! Did you know that in Latin America a lot of girls get breast implants or rhinoplasty
when they turn fifteen? Its very common and a lot cheaper than a quinceaneras party. My
parents are just old and would never understand what I going through. We live in a time
where you boob size matters. A lot.
I read online that taking hormones could make my boobs grow and I could get them by taking birth control pills. I didnt have any results after the first week. During the second one, I did fill them a bit bigger. But the third one I got acne everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean
it. I looked it up online and i guess It was some a hormonal disorder. So I had to stop taking the pills because it was dangerous. Plus, I am not having sex. So i guess that dont really matter.
I just dont know what to do.What do you guys think? Ive tried everything so far and nobodies ever gonna love me like this Please let me know what to do I am desperate.

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