
Kundalini Yoga for Women | A great Starting place for Women to learn Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga for Women | A great Starting place for Women to learn Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga for Women is a unique spiritual retreat that combines meditation, yoga, chanting, kindness, compassion and present moment awareness. Set amongst striking African vistas, the annual Kundalini Yoga Festival for women is an inner soul safari that attracts people from all corners of the country.

The spiritually aware and curious gather here annually to dissolve the accumulated stresses of modern life, to seek spiritual answers, and to get physically fitter.

They have opted to checkout from the daily pressures of modern life to spend a few contemplative days in nature. The emphasis on environmental sustainability makes the Centre an ideal backdrop for the retreat.
It’s up to the first women’s Kundalini Yoga teacher, to commence the first day of the Kundalini Yoga Festival. She opens the session with a simple, but effective ice-breaking exercise.

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So the meet and greet, when people come together particularly on a workshop or a retreat, sometimes they have to sit in a circle, and say their names, and you play different games, and it can really unsettle people a little bit, especially at the beginning of a workshop.

So the way that I worked with it, is having people walk around, because then their energy's moving a little bit in the body, and it frees them a little more.
The theme of our workshop, of our Kundalini festival is recognizing through compassion that the other person is you.

So to get them to stop, and to ground through their feet, and to put their fingertips together, and to really see each other, and to look further than what's going on in the chaos of their own mind, and to listen and connect through breath, so the touching of the fingers, they're connecting.

By discovering this particular school of yoga, the teacher says that she has found a sense of community as well as her true calling in life.
Kundalini Yoga is her passion, absolutely loves it, fell in love with it pretty much from the start when she began practicing about eight years ago.
And she knew from her first Kundalini session that she would teach. A lightbulb went on, it was a coming home, a feeling of complete love.
Festivals such as these offer participants an integrated experience that helps to intensify their daily practices as well as to revitalize body, mind and spirit to better equip them to handle life’s challenges. Dropping into the Kundalini space drops you straight into the heart.

Through the kriya and the practice, it strengthens your nervous system, so that when the outside chaos is too much, your internal can handle it without falling apart.

Translated directly from Sanskrit, the word Kundalini means coiled serpent. This refers to the sacred stream of spiritual energy that is said to lie at the base of the human spine.

Derived from the Kundalini Upanishads and tantric texts of India, over time the practice fused the paths of Bhakti, Hatha and Raja Yoga. This entailed a combination of yogic postures, breathing, meditation and chanting unleashes this sacred energy, disconnecting us from our earthly egos and awakening us to our highest selves.

Introduced to the West by Yogi Bhajan, these ancient techniques were handed down by a sacred lineage of spiritual teachers. They say that yoga, Kundalini yoga, is a parental yoga and that simply means that it covers all aspects.

Kundalini yoga used to be secret because it was seen as a very powerful, very directed technique and hence needed to be practiced by sincere and committed seekers.

So you can be a Buddhist yogi, you can be a Hindu yogi, you can be a Christian yogi, or you can be a Sikh yogi.

A golden thread of Sikh customs and terminology are intrinsically woven through many Kundalini yoga teachings and practices. While we are living in this materialistic world we are so busy in our daily routine and so much influences are there. Especially bad evils, five evils. So that's why we are totally de-linked from that super soul and we are totally forget what our powers.

Kundalini yoga, many of us have really beautiful, spiritual inklings and we have a sense of that living spirit. Maybe it is something that we experience when we are children or we see it by proxy in another person or we dream of it or we long for it.

When doing Kundalini Yoga for Women, try to spend time understanding the differences between different religions, not in terms of the differences, but the similarities, and they all come back to one thing, being present. They're all about being here and now, conscious aware.

Click this link to view the full Kundalini Yoga documentary


Kundalini Yoga for Women A great Starting place for Women to learn Kundalini Yoga

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