
POLL: Bernie Beats Moderates Head-to-Head

POLL: Bernie Beats Moderates Head-to-Head Bernie’s campaign is surging right now! John Iadarola, Nando Vila, and Francesca Fiorentini, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comments below.


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"If you look at the national Democratic primary polls, it might seem as if Bernie Sanders is only the front-runner because his many opponents have split up the party’s moderates. The senator from Vermont currently leads in the Real Clear Politics polling average with 23.6 percent of the vote. Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar, by comparison, combine for 48.6 percent. Surely one of them could win in a head-to-head matchup against Sanders, right?

Maybe not. Yahoo News and YouGov are out with a new poll showing that Sanders beats all of his top competitors in head-to-head races. He currently wins at least 53 percent of the vote against Bloomberg, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar, none of whom break more than 38 percent. The matchup is closer with Biden, who gets 44 percent versus 48 percent of Sanders. But the tightest race is with Warren, who trails him 42 percent to 44 percent, with plenty of undecideds."

Hosts: John Iadarola, Nando Vila, Francesca Fiorentini

Cast: John Iadarola, Nando Vila, Francesca Fiorentini


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

#TYT #TheYoungTurks #Sanders2020

200217__TA06BerniePoll,News,Politics,TYT,The Young Turks,Cenk Uygur,Progressive,TYT Network,Ana Kasparian,political establishment,John Iadarola,Nando Vila,Francesca Fiorentini,2020,2020 election,democratic primary,DNC,Bernie Sanders,influencers,billionaire,campaign ads,campaign fundraising,tom Perez,Pete Buttigieg,Joe Biden,Bernie Attacks Bloomberg,DNC debate,Head to Head,

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