
Question Time: How is the government going to ensure ash dam recycling targets are met?

Question Time: How is the government going to ensure ash dam recycling targets are met? As we know, the Independent Planning Commission approved Origin Energy's application to expand the Eraring power station ash dam before Christmas. As a condition of consent, the IPC insisted that Origin be recycling 80% of the coal ash it generates by the end of next year. They are currently recycling only about 30%. I used Question Time last week to ask how the Government was going to ensure that figure is achieved. The minister takes a while to answer in the video, but he gets there towards the end.
Also, I'm just finalising my submission to the parliamentary inquiry into the costs of remediating the ash dams at Eraring and Vales Point when the power stations close in about a decade. You can lodge your submission by next Monday, February 16 here:


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