
Reprobate Concerning the Faith — Rick Renner

Reprobate Concerning the Faith — Rick Renner What does it mean to be reprobate? What does the Bible mean when it says people at the end of the age will have reprobate minds? Join Rick Renner for the answer to this question. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Are we really living in the last days? How can we know for sure? The Holy Spirit prophesied with pinpoint accuracy what would take place at the very end of the age just before Christ returns. In this in-depth, 15-part series, Rick Renner shines a spiritual searchlight on 25 characteristics of a last-days society described by Paul in Second Timothy 3.

Jesus gave us clear markers in Matthew 24 that would indicate His soon return and the end of this present age. In this book, Rick Renner digs deep into the Bible to describe these signs in vivid detail so we can recognize them and know how to navigate the last-days road ahead.


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