
Reviewing Glenn Beck's Garbage Novel, The Overton Window

Reviewing Glenn Beck's Garbage Novel, The Overton Window This is one of Glenn Beck’s seven (!) novels. Honestly I regret choosing this one because the Santa/Jesus crossover book sounds so much more amusing. That said, I’m pretty sure the Christmas ones are much worse. This one has a sequel, The Eye of Moloch, which I may get around to some day, but I’m in no rush. From what it sounds like, it was actually the second half of this story, which explains why it ends so suddenly. There was also a stage production of this book. It was done ironically though, so I figured I could skip it.

I was disheartened to learn how little of his books Glenn actually writes. I think that’s what kept is from getting into some really awful crap. Ultimately it’s not as bad as Ben Shapiro’s novel because of that. And that was disappointing.

I added some context for people unfamiliar with who Glenn Beck was/is, and why he still matters today. Some of the history may not be exact, and I may have played down the racist elements of the Tea Party movement, but the important part is how it shaped politics today. Acting like a giant weight against progress.

Some Sources for this book include:

Glenn Beck,The Overton Window,Book Review,Tea Party,

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