Rock Shred Licks from "Best Licks - Intuitive Guitar"
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Shred/Metal Licks from "Best Licks - Intuitive Guitar" here:
Blues Licks from "Best Licks - Intuitive Guitar"
Blues Rock Licks from "Best Licks - Intuitive Guitar"
All BEST LICKS packages:
ANDROID version of the app: Intuitive guitar - Best licks
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Intuitive guitar - The major scale modes:
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Amparosoft's 'iPracticeMyMusic' player (get it for FREE here):
Download this lick (+ get our high-tech player): Lick 323 - Blues Saraceno - INSANE use of blues scale phrasing and the Mixolydian mode:
Learn this other Blues Saraceno style lick (+ get our high-tech player) here:
Lick 460 - Blues Saraceno - Rock phrasing with some blues:
More licks in the style of Blues Saraceno: