
Do You Really Need To Service Your Car Regularly Or Will Just an MOT Suffice?

Do You Really Need To Service Your Car Regularly Or Will Just an MOT Suffice? To most of you watching this video, the answer to this question should be really, really obvious. However, for many people this is still something of a contentious issue, particularly if they have got away with not servicing their car within the recommended timeframe for many, many years. It is time to set the record straight, even if most of you are informed and sensible enough to carry out regular scheduled maintenance on your cars.

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As an independent vehicle consultant, I take potential buyers through the whole car buying process from choosing a make and model to a vehicle handover and road tax. In addition to information on this service, I also have a selection of written and video reviews of cars that I have owned, hired, borrowed or have somehow come into my possession. Please use the Contact Me page on my website to get in touch, visit my Facebook page for latest updates and share this video if you like it! Thank you for watching.


Lloyd Vehicle Consulting,The Rubbish Mechanic,Car Servicing,Car Maintenance,

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