I did over work it a bit. And my 6 weeks idle fountain pen had some flow issues.
*** Now selling my paintings on Ebay ***
PEN: A Platinum Century fountain pen with an Ultra Extra fine nib and Platinum Carbon Black ink and a Pigma Micron 005 felt tip pen.
PAPER: Size- 5"x7"
Arches 140lb Hot Press Paper for this Video.
My papers of choice include Arches 140lb Hot press and Cold press paper and Strathmore 500 series Sketchbooks. All are 100% cotton rag.
For beginners, I recommend starting with a high quality paper and experimenting with different types. As your style develops, you'll get a feel for which type is best. Waiting to switch to a better quality paper later will be much like learning to paint all over again.
MY PALETTE: All tube paints!
Winsor Newton- Yellow Ochre, Sepia, Burnt Sienna, Winsor Red, Davy's Gray, Ultramarine, Sap Green.
DaVinci - Phthalo Blue, Quinachridone Fuchsia, Cadmium Yellow Lemon, Cadmium Yellow Deep. **I plan to replace the Fuchsia with Winsor Newton Quinacridone Magenta when mine runs out.**
The palette is the mixing tray from a "Koi" Watercolour travel set. The colours are set up so the ones I mix together most often are close together.
A Currys #3 brush.
A Polar Flo 1/2 inch flat brush is my current favorite. The bristle were originally white but have become stained.
Featuring music by Antonio Romo.
See him on Youtube :