
EDF Earth Defense Force 5 Mission 102 Forced Entry - Ranger Inferno

EDF Earth Defense Force 5 Mission 102 Forced Entry - Ranger Inferno This mission/class pairing haunted me for a long time. It was the last main mission for my Ranger and I was scared of touching it for weeks till I realized that I had been doing it wrong.

4 Shield Bearers, all fixed in place
1 Wasp Anchor guarded by an elite Alien
1 Alpha Anchor guarded by an Alien
1 Alpha Anchor guarded by a laser Alien
1 red Alpha Anchor
1 Beta Anchor guarded by a rocket Alien

Destroy 3 Anchors and a wave of mutants is spawned from the remaining Anchors. Additionally, a mob of green Alphas appears from the beach beyond the hills.
If the number of enemies on the field drops below 16, another wave of mutants is spawned including greens from the beach to the left of the starting point.
Normally, you'll encounter these waves in the order given above. But if you play with overpowered weapons or with multiple Wing Divers in online mode, things can get messed up. The waves can appear in reverse order, at the same time or in direct succession. Sometimes, the lower-than-16-enemies wave seems to block the appearence of the 3-Anchors-destroyed wave, sometimes it doesn't.
When the number of NPCs drops below 5, 3x5 Wing Divers are spawned at the horizon and land in specific places in the hills.
The Rangers are worth recruiting. The Fencers are Grim Reapers in name only. They are very weak and die fast. If you happen to recruit them, don't spend resources to keep them alive. They aren't worth it. For some (probably non-existing) reason, the Fencers' commander is immortal and will come back to life when there's no aggroed enemy on the map. That only happens at the end and is completely useless.

In my first few runs, I tried to take out the Wasp Anchor as fast as I could. That was a very stüpid mistake. After recruiting the NPCs, the shortest path to the Wasp Anchor leads along the big Shield. That resulted in heavy damage to me and the NPCs, as the enemies inside the Shield could take potshots at us. Additionally, the (red) Wasps are harmless and no danger at all for the Ranger and his NPC-army. Taking the Wasp Anchor out means that I had to face either golden or silver mutants later on. And those are way more dangerous than those puny Wasps. The high speed of the red Wasps means that they will arrive at least 10 seconds before the rest of the mutant wave. Plenty of time for your platoon to kill them while they are alone. Silver and golden mutants will be mixed in with the green mob and are therefore much harder to spot.
Bottomline: leave the Wasps for last, so you don't have to fight goldens or silvers.

After enlightenment struck me, I was able to win this mission 7 times in a row. This here is my last and most refined version. After taking out the 2 Alpha Anchors and 3 Shield Bearers, I went to the place where the most endangered (they are very close to all 3 remaining Anchors and will die fast if you don't take them with you) WD group lands. If you're doing it right, you'll have to shoot your own men to spawn the WDs. Which isn't right, but the war is doomed and desperate measures are justifiable. I tried to do it without the WDs when I had a healthy Ranger/Fencer army left, but failed. The WDs' combat value is much higher than the Rangers' and Fencers'. Recruit all WDs and the mission is as good as won. Don't hesitate to use the Reverser earlier than I did here. Even in my worst (but won) runs, I was never below 7 shots left when I destroyed the Beta Anchor.

Wing Diver

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