
Great Red Spot simulation using SW model

Great Red Spot simulation using SW model Simulation of the Great Red Spot in Jupiter using SW model.
Experimental data is being used, in particular zonal winds profiles captured by the instruments on board of the NASA's Juno spacecraft.

Simulation main characteristics:

- The domain is periodic along the x direction (i.e. left and right boundaries), whereas full-slip condition is applied on top and bottom. The extend on latitude is 25 deg (centered at -22.5 deg) and longitude span of 45 deg. The mesh is generated in such a way dx = dy = 305 km (uniform Aspect Ratio elements provide less numerical diffusion).

- The Courant number is quite low for this kind of problem, Co = 0.05, leading to a dt = 41s.

- The Coriolis parameter is linearized and computed along the width (latitude) span.

- The initial perturbation is generated with a Gaussian function positioned along the horizontal middle line at longitude = 15 deg. This initial profile triggers gravity waves and subsequently the system comes into geostrophic equilibrium. The Gaussian function is computed in such a way an ellipse is generated with a semi-major axis (longitude direction) of 15 deg and a semi-minor axis (latitude) of 10 deg. These parameters can be controlled with the variance of the Gaussian function. Additionally, the perturbation is limited within an ellipse with 1/4 of the aforementioned dimensions.

- The thickness of the domain is 1km.

- In order to appreciate how the system evolves, the potencial vorticity is calculated and represented here.


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