
Relating to Family and Friends on the Spiritual Path, Shaman Sister Sessions, #98

Relating to Family and Friends on the Spiritual Path, Shaman Sister Sessions, #98 As you’ve gone through your spiritual awakening, you’ve probably experienced some challenges around relating to your family and old friends. Maybe you find that you don’t have anything in common with your family anymore. Maybe your friends’ unconscious behavior now annoys the shit out of you. Maybe you’re wondering, “How do I stay in integrity with my path and my beliefs, and also maintain some connection with these people I care about?”

We get it. You are not alone. For pretty much everyone who chooses a spiritual path, part of that process is redefining the way in which we relate to our family, friends and community. This process is a totally normal component of your spiritual development, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy or fun.

Michelle and Katherine have been there. In this episode, they share some personal stories of their experience with this process, as well as some of their favorite tools and practices to support relating to family and friends while on the spiritual path.


Welcome to Shaman Sister Sessions! We created this podcast to empower psychics, empaths, energy healers, Shamans and all those on the path of awakening. We offer a deep look into our personal and professional experiences as healers and Universal seekers, along with tools for navigating the expansion of human consciousness, cultivation of psychic and Shamanic gifts and living a fulfilled, uniquely expressed life of service.

Michelle and Katherine’s visionary work inspires spiritual seekers and practitioners of all modalities to step fully their roles as catalysts for social evolution and global change.

You can contact Michelle and Katherine at

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Katherine Bird is a transformational leader, healer, Shamanic channel, and guide here to help facilitate the shift in human consciousness and the raising of the vibratory frequency. She supports people through the processes of healing themselves and bringing their magic to the world. Utilizing energy work, hands on healing, practice cultivation and deep coaching she shepherds people through their awakening and the journey to become the healers, coaches and guides they were designed to be.

Michelle Hawk is truly a 21st century Shaman. In addition to her natural gifts as a psychic and intuitive Channel, Michelle's work with Shamanic energies and certification as a Usui-Tibetan Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master and Illumination Reiki™ Master allow her to offer healing work at the deepest level. She has committed herself to the health and well-being of her global Tribe and works in service through private sessions, classes, community involvement and Spiritual mentorship in the Divine Feminine lineage for children and adults of all ages. Growing from her lifelong connection with animals and her natural abilities as an animal communicator, Michelle also works deeply with animal guides to bring forth their teachings so that we may share in their wisdom.


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