
福建農村閩中滑肉湯小時候的味道(The flavour of Fujian Minzhong slip broth in rural Fujian)

福建農村閩中滑肉湯小時候的味道(The flavour of Fujian Minzhong slip broth in rural Fujian) 滑肉湯是一種著名的傳統小吃,製作原料主要有豬瘦肉、澱粉、香菇等。特點是味道鮮美,並具有補腎養血、滋陰潤燥的功效。(Slippery broth is a famous traditional snack. The main ingredients are lean pork, starch, shiitake and so on. It is characterized by delicious taste, and has the effects of nourishing kidney and nourishing blood, nourishing yin and moisturizing.)營養價值
補腎養血、滋陰潤燥 。熱病傷津、消渴羸瘦、腎虛體弱、產後血虛、燥咳、便秘、補虛、滋陰、潤燥、滋肝陰,潤肌膚、利二便、止消渴。Nutritional value
Nourishing kidney and nourishing blood, nourishing yin and moistening dryness. Fever injury, loss of thirst, thinness of the kidneys, weakness of the kidneys, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, tonic deficiency, nourishing yin, moistening dryness, nourishing the liver and yin, moisturizing the skin, relieving stool, and quenching thirst.

liziqi cooking,liziqi masak,中国美食,chinese girl,中国风,lý tử thất,li ziqi cooking,三農,美景,鄉村,豬肉,猪肉,shyo,shyo video,乡村,农村,野生,Agriculture,三农,Food,滑肉湯,小吃,美食,

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