
Kislev has begun! December 28-31, 2019, 3 Days of Darkness?

Kislev has begun! December 28-31, 2019, 3 Days of Darkness? NASA Issues Asteroid Impact Warning for December 28, 2019 – The Judgment Day I Calculated in “End Times and 2019”

Astronomers Reveal Stunning New Image of The Interstellar Comet Coming Towards Us

Another Mysterious Object From Interstellar Space May Have Entered Our Solar System

The Second Interstellar Object Has Been Officially Detected in Our Solar System

The Rapture Puzzle Book (free download):

The Rapture Puzzle Book:

The Rapture Puzzle Summary:

The Parable of the Fig Tree and the 4-year gap in Daniel's 70th Week:

Teach Us To Number Our Days:

Can we KNOW the day and hour? (Eido vs Ginosko):

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