For access to the extended videos and more, check out House of Woo monthly video subscription to watch more frequent readings (I'm doing several uploads per week between the private Instagram page -for paid subscribers only @house.of.woo.members - and what's uploaded to my website member area) and to learn more about the tarot and astrology for $19.99/month,
Follow me on Instagram, where I'm very active and post more short readings, at @alison.lessard
To book a 30 or 60 minute tarot reading, visit
To book a 20 minute AstroEnergy Update or 60 minute full Astrology Reading, visit
Relationship Rehab: How to stop getting treated like sh*t and start creating the love you deserve: Get the digital workbook here for $29.99:
If you're confused/feeling lost or out of balance about your twin flame connection and unsure about how to move forward, check out the Get Unstuck on the Twin Flame Path: A 3-part video series to get out of limbo in your love life + rebalance the energy in your soul connection -
Available NOW (Part 1:$19, Part 2: $29, Part 3:$19 or as a package with 2 bonuses for $55) -
To learn how to read the Rider Waite Tarot, I created a tarot basics e-course for beginners!
To learn astrology basics and how to read a natal chart (your own and for others), I've also created the Astrology Basics 101 e-course -