
🎧 2020 Lucky Charm Recording | Wealth and Abundance Meditation | Attract Money, Luck and Prosperity

🎧 2020 Lucky Charm Recording | Wealth and Abundance Meditation | Attract Money, Luck and Prosperity 🎧 2020 Lucky Charm Recording | Wealth and Abundance Meditation | Attract Money, Luck and Prosperity | Law of Attraction binaural beat recording by Simply Hypnotic

Happy New Year everyone and I hope you get all your heart desires in 2020 and beyond | For best results wear earphones, listen often and don't forget to focus on your desired result..

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-- Embedded Affirmations:
I see abundance everywhere.
I am always attracting abundance.
I am open to money coming to me from new ways that I've never imagined.
I am connected to the endless abundance of the universe.
I am worthy of making more money.
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I always have enough money.
I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I receive now.
I handle success with grace.
I am fully supported making money doing what I love.
It is safe for me to make money.
I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
I am worthy of manifesting my biggest desires.
I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
Something wonderful is about to happen to me
I allow love to fill me up and guide me in all of my actions.
Everything is always working out for me.
I always choose happiness.
My mind is free of resistance and open to the possibilities.
I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.
I look for the good in every situation.
My desires are fuelled by an unlimited belief in myself.
I can do anything I put my mind to.
I have faith in myself and in my abilities.
I have what it takes to reach my goals.
I can handle anything that comes my way.
Great strength lies within me at all times.
I have the courage to keep going.
I have the courage to walk my own path and follow my dreams.
My dreams are far more important than my fears. I keep going no matter what.
My faith lifts me higher than fears.
Today I face everything with great courage.
It is impossible for me to fail.
Today, I make magic
I am creating the life of my dreams.
I am focused, persistent and will never quit.
I am totally in charge of my life.
Whatever I put my mind to, I achieve.
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.
My energy creates my reality. What I foucus on is what I will manifest.
I am dedicated to living in alignment with my purpose.
I love the life I am creating and opportunities flow to me with ease.
My intuition never lets me down.
I always follow my heart’s path.
I am always being guided to living my heart’s desires.
I live in perfect alignment with my highest truth.
I trust myself and turn inward to seek my highest truth.
My life works beautifully as I navigate my path with grace and ease.
I follow my intuition and know that nothing is put before me that I can’t handle.
Everything feels so right; I trust I am on the right path for me.

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🎧 Simply Hypnotic uses Korg Minilogue XD Polyphonic and Roli Blocks Synthesisers that can be found here at my Amazon affiliate link:
© Simply Hypnotic : All Rights Reserved

🎧 Tracks should NOT be listened to whilst driving, operating machinery or at any time a listener needs to remain focused 🐶 No animals were hurt in the making of this channel (c) Simply Hypnotic - All rights reserved.

🎧 All images and additional video segments contained in the Thumbnails are used in strict compliance with the appropriate permissions and licenses required from and/or in accordance with the YouTube Partner Program, Community guidelines & YouTube terms of service.


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