
I'M IN LABOR!!! | Thank you for your support and prayers! | First time mom

I'M IN LABOR!!! | Thank you for your support and prayers! | First time mom Hey friends, if you're seeing this video that means I've gone into labor!!! (Or perhaps have had baby already, depending on when you see this.) Thank you so much for the support during this pregnancy journey, and I would SO appreciate your prayers during this time of labor, delivery, and recovery. We've dreamed of this moment for a long time and it's finally here!!


I now have a P.O. box and love receiving snail mail! If you'd like to send me something, please address it to:

Malori Mayor
PO Box 8484
Monterey, CA 93943-8484

Hi there! I’m Malori Mayor and this is my YouTube channel about life as a military wife. I’ve been married to my husband Mark for over 5 years and we are expecting our first child in January 2020 after an almost 2 year battle with infertility - thanks to God’s perfect timing and NaProTECHNOLOGY! We also have a fur-baby, Zoey the German Shepherd. We were stationed in Germany for 2 years and just recently moved to the California coast. Life is an adventure! We’d love if you’d join our online tribe by subscribing.

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#laborvideo #pregnancyupdate #duedate

labor video,labor and delivery,i'm in labor,laboring,postpartum,first pregnancy,first baby,hospital delivery,L&D,giving birth,birth vlog,birth story,

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