
Keyword Research & The Buying Process explained

Keyword Research & The Buying Process explained Ok, this is a marketing lesson. Not everybody comes to Google is looking to buy your products or enquire about your services.

In fact only a small percentage of search terms have commercial intent ie: those looking to buy products and services.

There's a marketing theory called the consumer buying process which basically says the people go through a series of buying stages and this can happen over any period of time can happen quickly and slowly.

First of all they will search for answers to problems then they will search for information about products about services about brands.

Then what they'll do is look for information that compares or reviews different products and services. And then just before they buy they will also search for various things.

So there's a graphic here which shows you some of the keywords that people include in their searches at different stages in that buying process.

It's your job to identify what people search for and then provide good content that matches their intent at the different stages that they are at.

business catalyst partner,Fraser McCulloch,Platonik,keyword research,keyword research tip,buying process,consumer buying process,how to do keyword research,

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