
0x6 Can I get hacked by clicking on a malicious link? | Reflected XSS practical guide | Tamil

0x6 Can I get hacked by clicking on a malicious link? | Reflected XSS practical guide | Tamil We all receive awareness forwards like, If you get a message like this don't click it. If you clicked it, your mobile will be hacked something like that.

In this video, as a hacker, I was tried to explain how realistic these attacks are? and the technical details behind these attacks. I was also provided instructions on how to protect yourself from these attacks.

In this video, I was explained about reflected XSS, how to identify it and how to exploit it.


0:02 Introduction
1:33 Theoretical explanation starts
1:52 Introduction
2:25 Types of XSS
2:49 How dangerous this attack?
4:37 How this attack works?
5:51 Cookie stealing
6:51 How to protects ourselves from the XSS attack?
10:09 Learn More...,

Part 2 practical demo

10:38 How to identify XSS vulnerability on a website?

Part 3 exploit XSS vuln.

16:04 PHP cookie stealer script
20:32 Malicious link preparation
22:43 Setup the attacker server and port forwarding
25:14 Simulating the XSS attack

28:26 Use the session cookie to login in victim account.

PPT used in this video:

Reference Links:

Hope this video is helpful to you. Thank you for watching friends ...,

#ethicalhacking,#kalilinux,#xss,#cross site scripting,#metasploitable,

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