
No! Stock market down! I have a problem!

No! Stock market down! I have a problem! #dividend #stockmarket #passiveincome

Hey fellow investors! Travellers! Passive income enthusiasts!

I have a serious issue! My January and March dividend paying quarters are way out of whack compared to my February quarter paying stocks!

With all my recent purchases I am now making 670 for both Jan and March! With February still stuck at 377! Can you believe it? I tried to find deals for February payers, but there was nothing that suited me!

So now I’m stuck with an lopsided dividend schedule! How am I suppose to retire with that going on! My OCD is going To kill me!

Seriously though, I hope everyone was prepared, with cash to take advantage of some deals. I hope everyone isn’t panicking too much, and taking it in stride. It isn’t down too much, it’s still on “correction” territory.

Stay safe, stay hungry, i wish you good luck Monday!

stock market,passiveincome,passive income,stocks,dividend,dividends,millionair,money,crash,bubble,investing,

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